Why collaborate on audits
Collectively, PSCI member companies visit or audit thousands of suppliers every year.
Our audit framework is designed to assess a supplier's performance against the PSCI Principles as well as against international standards and agreements, and local regulatory requirements in the areas of: Ethics, Labor & Human Rights, Health & Safety, Environment and Management Systems. By providing this methodology and supporting tools we can support a credible, transparent and consistent audit approach.
Our audit sharing program enables suppliers to share audits with more than one member via a web application. This means fewer audits for each supplier and efficiency gains for our members. By working collaboratively we can enable:
- Reduced duplication. The program reduces the audit burden on suppliers and members.
- Cost and resource savings. Audits cost money and time, fewer audits means lower cost and efficiency gains for both sides.
- Greater visibility of our supply chain, allowing us to see trends and patterns. The data we collect in our audit sharing program feeds directly into our capability building program as we can clearly see which issues suppliers struggle with.
- Better identification of areas for improvement as a result.
- Continuous improvement. Fewer audits leaves more time to focus on improvements.
- One industry voice. Common guidelines and consistent message helping drive improvement.