This bulletin was published on 21 December 2020

2020 PSCI Auditor Training (virtual)

We successfully held our first virtual auditor trainings on 24-25 Nov and 2-3 Dec 2020. The training sessions were delivered by senior audit experts from PSCI member companies and covered PSCI Audit Updates, Social Audit, Environmental Protection, General Safety, Process Safety, Emergency Preparedness & Response, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene, PiE/AMR, and High-risk Work.

Each training day, around 260 people, including auditors, suppliers and non-auditor colleagues from member companies and audit firms, tuned in from across the world. The majority of them found the event useful and said they would like to have more, similar sessions.

You will find the recordings and slides for each session by clicking on the relevant links below:

FAQ collected from the training is available here.

We’re very thankful for your support and commitment towards these events and look forward to seeing you again in the future.