This event was published on 21 March 2023
PSCI Musi River Wastewater Workshop (In-Person Event)

PSCI Musi River Wastewater Workshop (In-Person Event)

Meeting | 26 Apr 2023 10:00–15:30 New Delhi

The Musi River flows through Hyderabad in Telangana State, Southern India. It is fed by the world-heritage Hussein Sagar Lake, also called the “heart of the world”, and used to be enjoyed by locals and tourists alike for its beauty and amenity. Yet, there have been numerous reports of polluted effluents and poor wastewater management practices affecting the lake and the Musi River watershed, impacting local communities over many years.

The PSCI aim to use our influence to engage with suppliers of PSCI members in Telangana to promote better wastewater practices and encourage positive change. Our aim is that every single supplier with a connection to a PSCI member should be contacted directly to promote the best technologies for wastewater management.

Acting on this, we are currently in the process of organising an in-person Wastewater technologies workshop in Hyderabad, India that will take place on April 26th 2023.

This workshop will be a unique opportunity to build supplier capability. The day will begin with a series of short, informative presentations followed by lunch (free of charge and provided by the hotel) and an afternoon workshop where wastewater technology companies and good-practice experts will be exhibiting their effluent treatment processes throughout the afternoon.

We have a limited capacity so please only register if you are definitely able to attend.

26 Apr 2023 10:00–15:30 New Delhi
This event is in the past