This event was published on 20 November 2023
PSCI Webinar: Improving Exposure Decisions

PSCI Webinar: Improving Exposure Decisions

Webinar | 7 Dec 2023 16:00–17:00 Amsterdam

As OEHS practitioners, our ability to protect workers is highly dependent on our ability to make accurate exposure risk decisions. If our decisions are wrong, we may leave at-risk workers inadequately protected, or waste limited resources on unnecessary controls. It is therefore critical that we develop our knowledge and validate our competency in the skills needed to ensure accurate exposure risk decision-making.

AIHA has unique free tools, training, and assessment resources available to all OEHS practitioners to advance their competency and performance in the skills and knowledge necessary to make accurate decisions about worker exposure and exposure uncertainty. They are an opportunity for all OEHS practitioners making exposure risk decisions to advance their professional competency, no matter their specialty (IH, OH, S, E, etc.), degree (Associate, BS, MS, PhD, etc.), certification (CSP, CIH, QEP, etc.), or experience level (new graduate, early career professional, seasoned professional, etc.).

This webinar will be delivered by:

  • John Mulhausen, Global health and safety risk management expert

This webinar will be recorded.

We look forward to seeing you there.

7 Dec 2023 16:00–17:00 Amsterdam
This event is in the past