This resource was published on 10 December 2021
Celebrating Human Rights Day - Position Statement on Human Rights

Celebrating Human Rights Day - Position Statement on Human Rights


At the PSCI, we’re committed to supporting all our members to implement the [United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights]( (UNGPs) as part of our mission to drive excellence in safety, environmental, and social outcomes across the pharmaceutical and healthcare supply chain.

That’s why for Human Rights Day (10 December), we’re excited to launch our new Position Statement, which provides an overview of the role we play in helping our members and suppliers align their practices with the UNGPs through the PSCI Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management and our resources.

With our training materials, webinars, and tools we aim not only to ensure the upholding of our Principles, but also to support all our members in implementing the UNGPs across their entire supply chains.

You can read the full statement below.

  • Human Rights & Labor