This resource was published on 24 April 2024

PSCI Supply Chain Materiality in 2024: Assessment Report


PSCI has conducted a materiality review for the sector every few years (2013, 2017, 2020). We are pleased to publish our latest assessment, this time applying a double materiality framework. The assessment is specifically focused on supply chains for the Pharmaceutical & Healthcare industries, and takes into account member views and a range of outside sources. (For more detail about the double materiality approach, please see here.)

The initial materiality was conducted in Summer 2023 to support development of the new strategy. This has since been updated to take into take into account the final CSRD and to add an additional checking stage to the scoring and issues list.

We encourage members, suppliers and our other stakeholders and invited to read the report and use it as an input to their own planning processes.

For anyone with comments to the report, please contact