Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - PSCI Environment Sub-Team Overview - Recording & Slides
This is the opening address of the PSCI Virtual China Supplier Conference 2020, delivered by:
此会议内容为PSCI 环境工作小组简介,我们很开心能够邀请两位嘉宾出席:
- Rikke Christensen, Head of Sustainable Procurement, LEO Pharma | Rikke Christensen, 可持续采购负责人, 利奥制药
- Zelia Kranich, Sustainable Sourcing Associate Director, Merck & Co., Inc. | Zelia Kranich, 可持续副总监, 默沙东(在美国和加拿大称为默克公司)
This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.
The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。