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This resource was published on 30 October 2024
Decarbonization Playbook for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Decarbonization Playbook for the Pharmaceutical Industry


The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) and Accenture are pleased to announce the publication of the Decarbonization Playbook for the Pharmaceutical Industry (Playbook), an actionable playbook to guide pharmaceutical companies and their suppliers on the road to net zero.

Climate change poses the greatest health threat of the 21st century and the pharmaceutical industry is a key contributor to global emissions due to complex product lifecycles and an energy-intensive value chain.
Many pharmaceutical companies have set ambitious, science-based decarbonization goals but only 20% of life sciences companies are on track to achieve net zero by 2050. Advancing decarbonization can be slow as companies wrestle with various pain points across the product lifecycle but delays in decarbonizing expose companies to risks across the stakeholder landscape. Decarbonizing the pharmaceutical industry is a core component of the PSCI’s Environment Principle and PSCI members realize the importance of working together and with their suppliers across the whole value chain.

There have been several whitepapers published on the topic of health sector decarbonization. This Playbook builds on that work to provide 24 detailed emissions reduction initiatives across 7 impact areas that map to the drug development lifecycle. The initiatives were assessed in terms of addressability, emission reduction potential, implementation timeline, upfront cost, and regulatory complexity, and intervention adoption timeframe.

We welcome your feedback. If you have any input on the Playbook, please contact us for consideration in future updates.

  • Decarbonization
This resource was published on 23 January 2023
Decarbonization Maturity Model

Decarbonization Maturity Model


Decarbonizing the pharmaceutical industry in line with global efforts is a core component of PSCI’s environmental principle. Action is needed and PSCI members realize the importance of working together with their suppliers, often the majority of the footprint across the whole value chain.

This is why we're pleased to launch the PSCI Decarbonization Pathway, a tool that the industry can use to move towards a net zero value chain, in line with global goals such as the COP Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals. The maturity model provides a clear pathway for suppliers to develop their capability and response towards reducing their carbon emissions.

PSCI Members, through their Decarbonization team and partnerships with leading organisations, will continue to provide the resources that suppliers will need in this journey.

Version: v2 May 2024

  • Decarbonization
This resource was published on 15 April 2021

Environmental Survey For Suppliers Webinar - Recording & Slides


Since 2016, a group of PSCI members have been working together to standardize their environmental data request to suppliers through a common set of questions, known as the PSCI Environmental Survey. The benefit is that suppliers should be receiving a common set of questions, but currently companies collect the data using different routes: some use an Excel file, and some a third-party platform.

The PSCI has now built the Environmental Survey into the PSCI platform for suppliers (called The Link). Each of the PSCI’s 50 members will now be able to use that platform to collect data from suppliers and we anticipate that many will do so. We hope that this will streamline and simplify your reporting of environmental and carbon emissions to your customers as one reply can now be shared with many customers.

Watch this webinar to learn more about the new platform and how to use it. You'll hear about:

  • Data captured by the survey
  • Technical aspects of the environmental survey
  • How to access the PSCI Link platform
  • Responding to requests to share your data from PSCI members

We were delighted to be joined by Alejandro Fiocco, Partner at Carnstone and Secretariat for the PSCI Environment Team.

The recording is available here. (Please refresh the page if you cannot play the video.)

The slides used during the webinar are available for download below.

Participants (including registrants who were unable to attend) are invited to share feedback about this webinar here.

Please also note that guidance about the Environmental survey is available here (the excel version is accessible here).

This resource was published on 12 April 2021

Environmental Survey For Suppliers - Guidance For Suppliers


This document is a step by step guidance on using the PSCI Environmental survey for suppliers on the PSCI platform. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Environment
  • Waste Management
  • Water Use & Management
  • Decarbonization
  • Sustainability Data
This resource was published on 12 April 2021

Environmental Survey For Suppliers - Excel Version 2021


This file contains the latest version of the PSCI Environmental survey for suppliers in Excel. The scoring for each question is detailed and questions are mapped across to the previous version.

This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - Taking Climate Action - Recording & Slides


This presentation on taking climate action was delivered by:

  • Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager, Carnstone | 张缤莉, 合伙人经理,凯嵘管理咨询

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 October 2020
Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation - Guidance For The Pharmaceutical Industry

Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation - Guidance For The Pharmaceutical Industry


The primary focus of this document is to provide a consistent guidance for pharmaceutical companies to calculate GHG emissions in their upstream and downstream value chains. It provides methodologies consistent with recommendations from the GHG Protocol for calculating emissions which are tailored for each different category.

This document was developed by the Pharmaceutical Environment Group (PEG) and its participating companies, who have kindly shared it with the PSCI for diffusion.

  • Environment
  • Decarbonization
This resource was published on 2 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 2 - Taking Climate Action - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Taking Climate Action was delivered by:

  • Glynn Roberts, Director and Senior Partner, Carnstone

This session was facilitated by Annabel Buchan, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

Download The PSCI Maturity App

Maturity App
Maturity App
Maturity App

The PSCI Maturity App provides an interactive experience of the PSCI Maturity Models. Available on Android and iOS.