Our resource library is made available freely to all in order to advance responsible supply chain practices. Here you will find information and guidance on responsible supply chain issues and the way that the PSCI works. If you have any suggestions for improvements or additions to our resources please contact us.
PSCI Self Assessment Questionnaire and Audit Report Template for Service Providers & General Manufacturers with import sheet.
For optimum functionality, we recommend using the most up to date version Microsoft Excel. If you only have access to Excel 2003 or earlier, we recommend using the Word version of the SAQ.
To access the offline abbreviated SAQ template and full version history of the SAQ, follow this link.
Content version 8.0, simplified the Categorisation of Suppliers (Category A, B or C), removed/ added a few questions, rewording some questions, December 2021. Import sheet incorporated July 2023. Content version 9.0, full review and update of the SAQ. Section names and all questions revised to reflect the updated PSCI Principles, September 2024. Import sheet incorporated December 2024.
Full version template for Core Suppliers, External Manufacturers, Component and Material Suppliers are also available and come in multiple languages: Excel version full.
Please note: Content version 9.0 is only currently available in English with translations to follow soon.
The previous version of the SAQ is currently available in the following languages:
Español | Spanish
中文 (简体) | Chinese (simplified)
Português | Portuguese
日本語 | Japanese
The following links provide SAQ Online instruction documents for:
The second session of the 2022 PSCI India supplier conferences took place in-person on the 22nd of September and covered Audit, Environment, Scope 3, PiE/AMR
The full slide deck is available for download below.
Engaging Suppliers to Reduce Scope 3 Emissions Towards Net Zero Robert Williams, Director of Procurement Sustainability, Astra Zeneca
Ban on Identified Single Use Plastic – The Whats, Whys and Hows Ashish Jain, Founder-Director, Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA)
Climate change – Risks to Organizations Shivananda Shetty, Partner & Head, ESG and Climate Change, KPMG
Supplier Water Quality & Pharmaceuticals in Environment Balaji Gurumurthy, Environmental Compliance Lead, Novartis
Reducing AMR Risk Through Effective Control of Antibiotic Manufacturing Emissions Dharmesh Kharwar, Director, NGB Laboratories
PSCI Musi River Project Manjit Singh, Associate Director of Corporate Sustainability, Centrient Pharmaceuticals Senthil Kumar, Supplier Operations, Pfizer
Case studies – Implementation of Good Practice in Management of API Containing Waste Streams Ashok Kumar Podisetty, Head of EHS, Neuland Laboratories Limited
Developing PiE/AMR Capabilities in India Aditya Shirodkar, Global Senior EHS Specialist, Abbott
PSCI Self Assessment Questionnaire and Audit Report Template for Core Suppliers, External Manufacturers, Component and Material Suppliers
For optimum functionality, we recommend using the most up to date version Microsoft Excel. If you only have access to Excel 2003 or earlier, we recommend using the Word version of the SAQ.
Content Version 6, February 2019
Content Version 7, remote audit options added, October 2020
Content version 7.1, small technical fixes, including correctly referencing finding type on CAP tab, showing suppliers responses to topic areas that are not audited, May 2021
Content version 7.2, fix formating issue of finding classifications on the Company Specific Questions tab, June 2021
Content version 8.0, simplified the Categorisation of Suppliers (Category A, B or C), removed/ added a few questions, rewording some questions, December 2021 Content version 9.0, full review and update of the SAQ. Section names and all questions revised to reflect the updated PSCI Principles, September 2024.
Abbreviated version template for Service Providers & General Manufacturers are also available: Excel version.
Please note: Content version 9.0 is only currently available in English with translations to follow soon.
The previous version of the SAQ is currently available in the following languages:
Abbreviated PSCI Self Assessment Questionnaire & Audit Report Template for Service Providers & General Manufacturers
For optimum functionality, we recommend using the most up to date version Microsoft Excel. If you only have access to Excel 2003 or earlier, we recommend using the Word version of the SAQ.
Content Version 6, February 2019
Content Version 7, remote audit options added, October 2020
Content version 7.1, small technical fixes, May 2021
Content version 7.2, fix formating issue of finding classifications on the Company Specific Questions tab, June 2021
Content version 8.0, simplified the Categorisation of Suppliers (Category A, B or C), removed/ added a few questions, rewording some questions, December 2021 Content version 9.0, full review and update of the SAQ. Section names and all questions revised to reflect the updated PSCI Principles, December 2024.
Full version template for Core Suppliers, External Manufacturers, Component and Material Suppliers are also available and come in multiple languages: Excel version.
A clear process has been defined to ensure PSCI Audits are consistent and rigorous. A suite of tools are available to support and guide through the process. Follow the link to read more about:
In order to ensure quality and integrity, PSCI Audits are carried out either by qualified internal auditors working at PSCI member companies or by professional and independent third party audit firms.
PSCI has approved fifteen professional, independent third party audit firms to perform PSCI Audits.
Supplier Self-initiated Audit Programme (SSIA) is a pilot programme led by PSCI Audit Committee to encourage suppliers to take a proactive, risk-based approach and self-initiate PSCI audits for their facilities.
With the pilot programme this year, the PSCI will pay for a new Supplier Self-initiated Audit of the supplier facility. The audit should be completed by a PSCI approved audit firm and shared with PSCI members on the Link. Any supplier to PSCI Member can apply to participate in SSIA.
This document for suppliers explains:
What is SSIA and the benefits
Who can participate and the requirements
How to conduct a SSIA
Members are welcome to share the brochure with suppliers you would like to see conducting a PSCI audit.
If you are interested in learning more about the programme, please contact Audit Committee Secretariat Blake Zheng for more information. Thank you.
This document provides a guidance for auditors to classify Critical-Major-Minor findings under all five PSCI principles. It is for guidance only and each organization can have its own interpretations.
It is intended to be a living document, which will be reviewed and updated regularly by SAQ/Audit and Audit Guidance sub team.
This document was updated in June 2024 to align with the updated PSCI Principles. For each principle, the examples have been updated and reviewed by a working group formed from the SAQ/Audit and Audit Guidance sub-team. The updated document now also includes complete examples for the minor classification findings.
Stormwater management and Zero Liquid Discharge key points Daniel Rehm, HSE Advisor, External Manufacturing EMEA & API, Elanco
Introduction to PiE and AMR Dr Paul Barnett, Director, Environment Health & Safety, GlaxoSmithKline
Assessing Antibiotic Manufacturing Sites Capability in Controlling their Antibiotic Emissions Jonathan Stanway, Downstream & Pilot Plant Manager, Biotechnology & Environmental Shared Service, Pharma Supply Chain, GlaxoSmithKline
This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.
The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
Slides are available for download below.
The third session of the 2020 PSCI Auditor Training (Virtual) took place virtually on 2 December and covered below presentations.
Process safety risk – Identifying reactive hazards and powder processing hazard in pharmaceutical industry Kumarkrishna Bhattacharjee, Head HS&E Supplier Assurance and Risk India Region, Novartis
This session was facilitated by Lei Sun, Partner at Carnstone.
The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
Slides are available for download below.
Corporate Responsibility with a Social Compliance Audits Dinesh Subhedar, Group Third Party Risk Management -Labour Rights (India and West Asia), Novartis (NBS Human Resources)
This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.
The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
This webinar first aired on 27 May and explained the updates and changes to the Audit Guidance document. We were delighted to be joined by the following speaker:
Birgit Skuballa, from Bayer
The webinar attracted over 100 registrants and around 90 people joined on the day.
Participants are invited to share feedback about this webinar here.
MS Word version
PSCI Self Assessment Questionnaire and Audit Report Template for Core Suppliers, External Manufacturers, Component and Material Suppliers
More Info…
Update History
Version 5, February 2019
Chinese translation added July 2019.
Japanese translation added April 2020. Remote audit options added November 2020.
Since 20 April 2022, the Word versions of the templates (Full, Abbreviated, CAPR) have been removed completely following a consultation process and notice period. Access to these is only be possible in exceptional circumstances and by contacting the PSCI Secretariat. Please use the Excel versions: Full, Abbreviated, CAPR
This document can be used by suppliers to document agreed corrective actions, the type of finding(e.g. Critical-Other, Critical-Major/Minor), the time period for completion, the type of verification (e.g. desk top review of documents or follow up visit), the responsible individual at the supplier for the individual corrective actions, details on the implemented corrective action and a status assignment (open/closed).
Since 20 April 2022, the Word versions of the templates (Full, Abbreviated, CAPR) have been removed completely following a consultation process and notice period. Access to these is only be possible in exceptional circumstances and by contacting the PSCI Secretariat. Please use the Excel versions: Full, Abbreviated, CAPR
This document can be used by suppliers to document agreed corrective actions, the type of finding(e.g. Critical/Major/Minor), the time period for completion, the type of verification (e.g. desk top review of documents or follow up visit), the responsible individual at the supplier for the individual corrective actions, details on the implemented corrective action and a status assignment (open/closed).
Content version v4.0, March 2020 Content version v5.0, December 2021
Abbreviated PSCI Self Assessment Questionnaire & Audit Report Template for Service Providers & General Manufacturers
Version 5, February 2019 Version 6, remote audit options added, October 2020
Since 20 April 2022, the Word versions of the templates (Full, Abbreviated, CAPR) have been removed completely following a consultation process and notice period. Access to these is only be possible in exceptional circumstances and by contacting the PSCI Secretariat. Please use the Excel versions: Full, Abbreviated, CAPR
This PSCI Audit Sharing Platform User Guide explains how to use the Audit Sharing Platform for members. The platform underpins the PSCI Audit Sharing Program. It is the platform for sharing audits with the PSCI membership.
Please refer to the PSCI Shared Audit Program Guidance for more information about the PSCI Audit Sharing Program.
This document is designed to be used by PSCI members, audit contractors and suppliers. It provides a detailed overview of the audit process and corresponding roles and responsibilities at each stage of the process.
Version 7, December 2021
Updated to reflect changes to Supplier Categorisation, classification of findings only as critical/major/minor (and added link to finding classification guidance document) and remove reference to the now withdrawn OHSAS 18001.
Slides from the PSCI Audit Programme Webinar, Oct 2017
The webinar explained the supplier self-initiated audit model and launched the new Excel based audit templates.
This Excel template is designed to help PSCI members, suppliers and audit firms check auditors against the PSCI's requirements, to ensure that they have the expertise needed to conduct PSCI audits. It is also used by new audit firms in their application process to demonstrate their capacity.
This evaluation tool is also known as PSCI Auditor Information Template (HSE & Social Auditors).
This PSCI Audit Sharing Platform User Guide explains how to use the Audit Sharing Platform for suppliers. The platform underpins the PSCI Audit Sharing Program. It is the platform for sharing audits with the PSCI membership.
Please refer to the PSCI Shared Audit Program Guidance for more information about the PSCI Audit Sharing Program.