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This resource was published on 15 April 2021

Environmental Survey For Suppliers Webinar - Recording & Slides


Since 2016, a group of PSCI members have been working together to standardize their environmental data request to suppliers through a common set of questions, known as the PSCI Environmental Survey. The benefit is that suppliers should be receiving a common set of questions, but currently companies collect the data using different routes: some use an Excel file, and some a third-party platform.

The PSCI has now built the Environmental Survey into the PSCI platform for suppliers (called The Link). Each of the PSCI’s 50 members will now be able to use that platform to collect data from suppliers and we anticipate that many will do so. We hope that this will streamline and simplify your reporting of environmental and carbon emissions to your customers as one reply can now be shared with many customers.

Watch this webinar to learn more about the new platform and how to use it. You'll hear about:

  • Data captured by the survey
  • Technical aspects of the environmental survey
  • How to access the PSCI Link platform
  • Responding to requests to share your data from PSCI members

We were delighted to be joined by Alejandro Fiocco, Partner at Carnstone and Secretariat for the PSCI Environment Team.

The recording is available here. (Please refresh the page if you cannot play the video.)

The slides used during the webinar are available for download below.

Participants (including registrants who were unable to attend) are invited to share feedback about this webinar here.

Please also note that guidance about the Environmental survey is available here (the excel version is accessible here).

This resource was published on 13 April 2021
PSCI Features In CPHI Podcast on PIE

PSCI Features In CPHI Podcast on PIE

More great publicity for the PSCI with thanks to Dan Caldwell (Johnson & Johnson) and Steve Brooks (AMR Alliance) who recently recorded this CPhI podcast on pharmaceuticals in the environment (PiE) and anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and what the industry is doing to help address the challenge.

The PSCI has published a PEC:PNEC calculator tool for manufacturers to use to calculate how to meet safe levels of discharge for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) from their sites.

Image credit: CPhI

  • Pharmaceuticals In The Environment
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance
This resource was published on 12 April 2021

Environmental Survey For Suppliers - Guidance For Suppliers


This document is a step by step guidance on using the PSCI Environmental survey for suppliers on the PSCI platform. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Environment
  • Waste Management
  • Water Use & Management
  • Decarbonization
  • Sustainability Data
This resource was published on 12 April 2021

Environmental Survey For Suppliers - Excel Version 2021


This file contains the latest version of the PSCI Environmental survey for suppliers in Excel. The scoring for each question is detailed and questions are mapped across to the previous version.

This resource was published on 8 April 2021

Newsletter April 2021


Our April newsletter reflects recent activities including our support to the Musi River Revitalization Initiative, the publication of our Benchmarking Survey Insights Report, and our outreach campaign on the vital issue of anti-microbial resistance. It also highlights our upcoming plans and events, such as our Virtual Spring Meeting, and external developments relevant to pharmaceutical supply chains.

This resource was published on 6 April 2021

Celebrating World Health Day - PSCI Position Statement on PIE & AMR


At the PSCI, we’re committed to doing everything in our power to limit that the spread and growth of two emerging threats – Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PiE) and Anti-microbial Resistance (AMR). That’s why for World Health Day, we’re excited today to launch our new Position Statement, which provides a clear explanation of the critical role we play in helping our supplier partners improve their manufacturing practices. The statement has been written to highlight the relevance of the PiE issue along the supply chain, to articulate the PSCI's position on this high profile topic, and to help answer stakeholder inquiries. It includes an overview of all PSCI resources on PiE and AMR-related issues.

  • Environment
  • Pharmaceuticals In The Environment
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance
This resource was published on 6 April 2021

Surface Water PEC:PNEC Calculator Tool


Updated “draft” PSCI surface water PEC:PNEC calculator tool
Version: 23 March

  • Pharmaceuticals In The Environment
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance
This resource was published on 17 March 2021

Supplier Self-Initiated Audit Brochure (For Suppliers)

Organisational Information

Supplier Self-initiated Audit Programme (SSIA) is a pilot programme led by PSCI Audit Committee to encourage suppliers to take a proactive, risk-based approach and self-initiate PSCI audits for their facilities.

With the pilot programme this year, the PSCI will pay for a new Supplier Self-initiated Audit of the supplier facility. The audit should be completed by a PSCI approved audit firm and shared with PSCI members on the Link. Any supplier to PSCI Member can apply to participate in SSIA.

This document for suppliers explains:

  • What is SSIA and the benefits
  • Who can participate and the requirements
  • How to conduct a SSIA

Members are welcome to share the brochure with suppliers you would like to see conducting a PSCI audit.

If you are interested in learning more about the programme, please contact Audit Committee Secretariat Blake Zheng for more information. Thank you.

  • Audit Program
This resource was published on 15 March 2021
Responsible Procurement & PSCI's Impact Benchmarking Report

Responsible Procurement & PSCI's Impact Benchmarking Report


In 2020, we invited the PSCI members to participate in our third formal Member Benchmarking Survey and we are pleased to present the results in this Insights Report. We have used the data collected over the years to share year-on-year trends, as well as provide a snapshot from 2020.

This report paints a picture of rising engagement and increasing focus on responsible procurement. We hope that you find it useful and insightful.

This resource was published on 10 February 2021

Audit Finding Classification Examples

Organisational Information

This document provides a guidance for auditors to classify Critical-Major-Minor findings under all five PSCI principles. It is for guidance only and each organization can have its own interpretations.

It is intended to be a living document, which will be reviewed and updated regularly by SAQ/Audit and Audit Guidance sub team.

This document was updated in June 2024 to align with the updated PSCI Principles. For each principle, the examples have been updated and reviewed by a working group formed from the SAQ/Audit and Audit Guidance sub-team. The updated document now also includes complete examples for the minor classification findings.

  • Audit Program
This resource was published on 1 February 2021

Auditor Training 2020 - Session 2 - Recording & Slides


The second session of the 2020 PSCI Auditor Training (Virtual) took place virtually on 25 November and covered below presentations.

  • Environmental protection
    Manjit Singh, Associate Director- Corporate Sustainability, Centrient Pharmaceuticals
  • Stormwater management and Zero Liquid Discharge key points
    Daniel Rehm, HSE Advisor, External Manufacturing EMEA & API, Elanco
  • Introduction to PiE and AMR
    Dr Paul Barnett, Director, Environment Health & Safety, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Assessing Antibiotic Manufacturing Sites Capability in Controlling their Antibiotic Emissions
    Jonathan Stanway, Downstream & Pilot Plant Manager, Biotechnology & Environmental Shared Service, Pharma Supply Chain, GlaxoSmithKline

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
Slides are available for download below.

  • Environment
  • Audit Program
This resource was published on 1 February 2021

Auditor Training 2020 - Session 4 - Recording & Slides


The fourth session of the 2020 PSCI Auditor Training (Virtual) took place virtually on 3 December and covered below presentations.

  • Plant General Safety
    Pratap Padalkar, Associate Director, Chemical Development & Manufacturing, Gilead
  • Occupational health and industrial hygiene in plants
    Pratap Padalkar, Associate Director, Chemical Development & Manufacturing, Gilead
  • High risk work and red flags for dangerous working
    Roberta Haski, HSE Leader, External Manufacturing & Commercial, Asia Pacific, Japan, ANZ

This session was facilitated by Lei Sun, Partner at Carnstone.

The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).

Slides are available for download below.

  • Safety - High Risk Areas
  • Audit Program
This resource was published on 1 February 2021

Auditor Training 2020 - Session 3 - Recording & Slides


The third session of the 2020 PSCI Auditor Training (Virtual) took place virtually on 2 December and covered below presentations.

  • Process safety risk – Identifying reactive hazards and powder processing hazard in pharmaceutical industry
    Kumarkrishna Bhattacharjee, Head HS&E Supplier Assurance and Risk India Region, Novartis
  • Emergency preparedness & response
    Daniel Rehm, HSE Advisor, External Manufacturing EMEA & API, Elanco

This session was facilitated by Lei Sun, Partner at Carnstone.

The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
Slides are available for download below.

  • Process Safety
  • Emergency Preparedness & Response
  • Audit Program
This resource was published on 1 February 2021

Auditor Training 2020 - Session 1 - Recording & Slides


The first session of the 2020 PSCI Auditor Training (Virtual) took place virtually on 24 November and covered below presentations.

  • PSCI Audit Update 2020
    Birgit Isabelle Skuballa, Head HSE Audit & Supplier Management, Bayer

  • Corporate Responsibility with a Social Compliance Audits
    Dinesh Subhedar, Group Third Party Risk Management -Labour Rights (India and West Asia), Novartis (NBS Human Resources)

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).

Slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 28 January 2021

New Audit Firm Application Brochure

Organisational Information

For those interested in becoming PSCI approved audit partners, this document covers:

  • Document checklist
  • Application process
  • Re-initiating application if not approved for the first time

Last updated December 2020

  • Audit Program
This resource was published on 22 December 2020

PSCI Position Statement on The Revitalization Of The Musi River In Hyderabad (India)


The PSCI supports the efforts of the State of Telangana to reduce pollution of the Musi River, specifically in the immediate vicinity of the two drainage canals that flow into the world-heritage Hussain Sagar lake where a number of PSCI member suppliers’ operations are situated. Please find our full statement below.

This resource was published on 18 December 2020
Newsletter Winter 2020

Newsletter Winter 2020


Our winter newsletter reflects recent activities including our Annual General Meeting, supplier conferences, and webinars. It also highlights our upcoming plans, and external developments relevant to pharmaceutical supply chains.

This resource was published on 14 December 2020

PSCI Antitrust Expectations With English Subtitles

Training Video

This is a short video on the PSCI Antitrust expectations according to the PSCI Antitrust Policy with subtitles.

Please refer to the PSCI Antitrust policy, for further information.

  • Business Integrity & Fair Competition
This resource was published on 14 December 2020

PSCI Antitrust Expectations Video

Training Video

This is a short video on the PSCI Antitrust expectations according to the PSCI Antitrust Policy.

Please refer to the PSCI Antitrust policy, for further information.

This resource was published on 6 November 2020

India Supplier Conference 2020 - Session 4 - Recording & Slides


The second session of the 2020 PSCI India supplier conferences took place virtually on 29 October and covered Safety, PSM and Industrial Hygiene (IH).

The full recording of the session is available here. Slides are available for download below.

Recordings and slides of individual presentations are also available as individual resources - please click on the relevant links below:

  • Health & Safety
  • Process Safety
  • Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene
This resource was published on 6 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - Implementing A Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Program – Panel Presentation - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Implementing a comprehensive industrial hygiene program – panel presentation was delivered by:

  • Vivian Rivera Turro, Industrial Hygiene Consultant, Eli Lilly
  • Anna Gonzalez, EHS Manager, Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Matthew Thomas, Global Industrial Hygiene Lead, AstraZeneca

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 6 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - Industrial Hygiene Maturity Model - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Industrial Hygiene Maturity Model was delivered by:

  • Vivian Rivera Turro, Industrial Hygiene Consultant, Eli Lilly

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 6 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - Process Safety Management – 2nd Supplier Case Study - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Process Safety Management – 2nd supplier case study was delivered by:

  • Thakur Pherwwani, Head SHE & Sustainability, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 6 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - Process Safety Management – 3rd Supplier Case Study - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Process Safety Management – 3rd supplier case study was delivered by:

  • Srinivas Nagalla, Corporate Head EHS, Granules India Limited

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - Risk Assessment Keynote - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Risk Assessment Keynote was delivered by:

  • Kumarkrishna Bhattacharjee, Head HS&E Supplier Assurance and Risk India Region, Novartis
  • Vijay Kumar Bendi, Manager - External Supply EHS&S, Johnson & Johnson

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) - Session 4 - Recording & Slides | 2020年PSCI 供应商会议(中国) - 第四场 - 完整视频和ppt


The fourth session of the 2020 PSCI China supplier conferences took place virtually on 29 October and covered Safety, PSM and Industrial Hygiene (IH).

The full recording of the session is available here (code:PSCI). Slides are available for download below.

Recordings and slides of individual presentations are also available as individual resources - please click on the relevant links below:

2020 PSCI线上供应商会议(中国)第四场在10月29日举行,会议内容包括安全,过程安全管理和工业卫生。

本次会议的完整视频请点击链接 (提取码 PSCI) 获取。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。


  • Health & Safety
  • Process Safety
  • Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene
This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - PSM Maturity Model - Recording & Slides


This presentation on PSM Maturity Model was delivered by:

  • Daniel Rehm, HSE Advisor, External Manufacturing EMEA & API, Elanco

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 4 - Electrical Safety & Loto - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Electrical Safety & LOTO was delivered by:

  • Roberta Haski, HSE Advisor, Asia- Pacific, Japan, ANZ, Elanco
  • Rajiv Narang, Associate Director Safety, Health & Environment, Centrient Pharmaceuticals

This session was facilitated by Simon Hodgson, Managing Partner at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - Implementing A Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Program – Panel Presentation - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Implementing a comprehensive industrial hygiene program – panel presentation was delivered by:
此演讲由下列嘉宾分享如何实施一个全面的工业卫生方案 – 实用三步指南:

  • Chengyin Guo, General Manager Assistant (In charge of EHS), Raybow Pharma | 郭成寅, 总经理助理(负责 EHS), 浙江瑞博制药有限公司
  • Zhibiao Ren, Astra Zeneca | Zhibiao Ren, 阿斯利康
  • Tracy Zhou, EHS&S External Supply, Johnson & Johnson | 周穗菁, EHS&S外部供应商经理,强生(中国)

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - Industrial Hygiene Maturity Model - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Industrial Hygiene Maturity Model was delivered by:

  • Wenjia Xu, EHS&S Manager., Ext. Supply AP, Johnson & Johnson | 徐文嘉,外部供应链EHS&S经理,强生(中国)

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - PSM – Best Practice By Member - Recording & Slides


This presentation on PSM – best practice by member was delivered by:

  • Hong Chen, Associate EHS Director, Lonza | 陈红, 环境健康安全副总监, 南沙龙沙

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - PSM – Supplier Case Study - Moc’s Role In A Smoldering Incident - Recording & Slides


This presentation on PSM – supplier case study: MOC’s role in a smoldering incident was delivered by:

  • Terry Liu, Process Safety Manager, Lianhe Tech | 刘建波, 工艺安全经理, 联化科技股份有限公司

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - Risk Assessment Keynote - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Risk Assessment keynote was delivered by:

  • Mark Wei, HSE manager, Sanofi | 魏骏锋,HSE经理,赛诺菲中国

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - PSM Maturity Model - Recording & Slides


This presentation on PSM Maturity Model was delivered by:

  • Daming Bai, HSE manager, External Manufacturing, Elanco | 白大明,外部制造HSE高级经理,礼蓝公司

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 4 - Electrical Safety & Loto - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Electrical Safety & LOTO was delivered by:

  • Lamy Bao, EHS Associate Director External Manufacturing, Bristol-Myers Squibb | 鲍国祥,内外部环境健康安全审计总监,百时美施贵宝制药

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 3 - Introduction To PSCI Principles & Antibribery & Corruption - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Evolving Ethics Best Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Introduction to PSCI Principles & Antibribery and Corruption was delivered by:

  • Jaimie Cheung, Forensic Partner (Financial Advisory), Deloitte | 章诗嘉,合伙人,德勤中国

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 3 - Operationalizing The PSCI Human Rights Principles - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Operationalizing the PSCI Human Rights Principles was delivered by:

  • Lin Wang, Advisory Service Director, China, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) | 王林,中国总监,商务社会责任国际协会

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

  • Human Rights & Labor
  • Worker Protection
This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 3 - Introduction To GDPR - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Evolving Ethics Best Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Introduction to GDPR was delivered by:

  • Tonny Hue, speaker title TBC, Deloitte | 薛梓源,网络安全领导合伙人,德勤中国

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 5 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) - Session 3 - Recording & Slides | 2020年PSCI 供应商会议(中国) - 第三场 - 会议视频和ppt


The third session of the 2020 PSCI china supplier conferences took place virtually on 15 October and covered ethics, human rights & labor.

2020 PSCI线上供应商会议(中国)第三场在10月15日举行,会议内容包括商业道德、人权及劳工。

The recording is available here (code:PSCI).
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。
Slides are available for download below.

Recordings and slides of individual presentations are available as individual resources - please click on the relevant links below:


This resource was published on 3 November 2020

India Supplier Conference 2020 - Session 3 - Recording & Slides


The third session of the 2020 PSCI India supplier conferences took place virtually on 15 October and covered Ethics, Human Rights & Labor.

The full recording of the session is available here. Slides are available for download below.

Recordings and slides of individual presentations are also available as individual resources - please click on the relevant links below:

This resource was published on 3 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 3 - Operationalizing The PSCI Human Rights Principles - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Operationalizing the PSCI Human Rights Principles was delivered by:

  • Samah Abbasi, Human Rights Manager, GSK
  • Peter Nestor, Human Rights Manager, Novartis

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 3 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 3 - A Conversation on Forced Labor & Modern Slavery - Recording & Slides


This presentation on A Conversation on Forced Labor and Modern Slavery was delivered by:

  • Laura Greene, Program Technical Officer, ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labour
  • Peter Hall, Senior Manager Human Rights & Sustainability Compliance, Johnson & Johnson

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 3 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 3 - Introduction To PSCI Principles & Antibribery & Corruption - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Introduction to PSCI Principles & Antibribery and Corruption was delivered by:

  • Sumit Makhija, Financial Advisory Services Forensic Partner, Deloitte

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 3 November 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (India) Session 3 - Introduction To GDPR - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Introduction to GDPR was delivered by:

  • Helene Millenaar, Global Risk and Compliance Director, Centrient Pharmaceuticals

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here. The slides are available for download below.

This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - Case Studies on Wwt Technology - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Case studies on WWT technology was delivered by:

  • Ken Sun, EHS&S Lead -Third Party, GSK | 孙大勇,第三方EHS&S主管,葛兰素史克
  • Wenjun Wang, Senior EHS Manager, Pfizer Global Environment, Health and Safety | 王文君, 高级EHS经理,辉瑞

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

  • Environment
  • Pharmaceuticals In The Environment
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance
This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - Whole Effluent Toxicity (Wet) Testing Methods & Application - Recording & Slides


This presentation on EWhole effluent toxicity (WET) testing methods and application was delivered by:

  • Xiaoqian Chen, Senior Engineer, Bioassay and Safety Assessment Laboratory, Shanghai | 陈晓倩, 高级工程师, 上海市检测中心 生物与安全检测实验室

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

  • Environment
  • Pharmaceuticals In The Environment
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance
This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - How To Do A Mass Balance Calculation - Recording & Slides


This presentation on How to do a mass balance calculation was delivered by:
此演讲由下列嘉宾分享生态环境中药物活性成分的总量平衡计算 :

  • Ken Sun, EHS&S Lead -Third Party, GSK | 孙大勇,第三方EHS&S主管,葛兰素史克
  • Wenjun Wang, Senior EHS Manager, Pfizer Global Environment, Health and Safety | 王文君, 高级EHS经理,辉瑞

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - Environmental Hazards Of Drugs & Case Analysis - Recording & Slides


This presentation on Environmental hazards of drugs and case analysis was delivered by:
此演讲由下列嘉宾分享药物的环境危害与案例分析 :

  • Min Liu, Head of Tech, Bioassay and Safety Assessment Laboratory, Shanghai | 刘敏, 技术总监, 上海市检测中心 生物与安全检测实验室

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - Sustainable Packaging - Recording & Slides


This presentation on sustainable packaging was delivered by:

  • Zelia Kranich, Sustainable Sourcing Associate Director, Merck & Co., Inc. | Zelia Kranich, 可持续副总监, 默沙东
  • Victor Bell, US Managing Director, Lorax EPI | Victor Bell, 美国常务董事, Lorax EPI
  • Jacqueline Hollands, Global Manager, Customer Sustainability Solutions, MilliporeSigma | Jacqueline Hollands, 客户可持续发展解决方案全球经理,密理博西格玛

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

This resource was published on 22 October 2020

Supplier Conference 2020 (China) Session 2 - Taking Climate Action - Recording & Slides


This presentation on taking climate action was delivered by:

  • Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager, Carnstone | 张缤莉, 合伙人经理,凯嵘管理咨询

This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.

The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。

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