Our resource library is made available freely to all in order to advance responsible supply chain practices. Here you will find information and guidance on responsible supply chain issues and the way that the PSCI works. If you have any suggestions for improvements or additions to our resources please contact us.
Mitigate pharmaceuticals in production wastewater : PIE theoretical evaluation, testing and treatment technologies Dr. Reinhold Maeck,Head of Corp EHS Regulatory Intelligence, BI Corporate EHS&S Li Liu , EHS Manger, BI China EHS&S
生产废水中的药物移除 : 环境中的药物理论评估与检测 Dr. Reinhold Maeck,公司EHS法规智能主管,勃林格殷格翰
The fourth session of the 2021 PSCI China supplier conferences took place virtually on 17 September and covered Safety, Process Safety Management (PSM) .
The full recording of the session is available here. Slides are available for download below.
LOTO best practice Frank Deng, EHS Manager, TÜV Rheinland
上锁挂牌的最佳实践 (50mins 分钟) 邓柱明,EHS经理,德国莱茵
Local government regulations and best practices around hot work and confined space Shiwei Kong, EHS Head, Zhejiang Langhua Pharmaceutical
动火作业和受限空间作业:各级政府要求与企业最佳实践 (50mins 分钟) 孔识卫, EHS总监, 浙江朗华制药有限公司
The Practice of Dual-system in Pharmaceutical Enterprise Guoqiang Peng, EHS Manager Assistant, Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong Pharmaceutical
双重预防体系(双体系)在制药企业中的运用 彭国强,EHS经理助理,杭州中美华东医药股份有限公司
Occupational exposure band and control technology in pharmaceutical industry Chengyin Guo, Deputy-director of EHS, Raybow Pharma
职业卫生分级管控及密闭技术在制药企业中的应用 郭成寅,EHS副总监,瑞博制药
Occupational health surveillance for pharmaceutical companies Minghua Gu, Deputy Physician, Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention
制药企业职业健康体检 顾明华,副主任医师, 上海市疾病预防控制中心
The first session of the 2021 PSCI China supplier conferences took place virtually on 9 September and covered Introduction, Human Rights & Labor, Environment.
The full recording of the session is available here. Slides are available for download below.
Recent developments within PSCI Manjit Singh, PSCI Chair, Associate Director - Corporate Sustainability, Centrient
PSCI最新动态 Manjit Singh, PSCI主席,可持续发展副总监,灿盛制药
Audit Committee update: remote audit, audit sharing and supplier self-initiated audit Kelley Jiang, Head HSE TPRM Operational Excellence Global HSE, Novartis
审核委员会最新内容: 远程审计、共享审计报告与供应商自发PSCI 审核 江戎, 大中国区供应商健康安全环境风险管理主管, 诺华制药
Common findings in PSCI audits under Labor section Minnie Mai, Senior Technical Manager,TÜV Rheinland
审核劳工部分常见发现项 麦璐, 高级技术经理,德国莱茵
3060 carbon targets and latest government regulations Stone Huang, lawyer and certified safety engineer, Jin Mao Law Firm 3060双碳目标制定背景双碳目标制定背景及及最新相关法规政策探讨 黄启荣,律师/注册安全工程师, 金茂律师事务所
The issue of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PiE) is an increasing public concern. While manufacturing losses represent a small percentage of the overall API mass entering the environment, the PSCI is committed to addressing localized risks that may occur from pharmaceutical manufacturing operations. Many companies are requiring that their facilities – and their major suppliers – establish estimates for API mass loss and the resulting Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) in the water body that ultimately receives a facility’s wastewater discharge.
The PSCI-endorsed method for estimating API mass loss is to follow a mass balance approach where the API inputs, outputs, and losses are accounted for, allowing the mass entering wastewater to be estimated. The PSCI has developed a set of detailed guidance documents on how to approach the mass balance calculations, including this presentation which provides an overview of:
Our approach
Our methodology
Real-world examples
We were delighted to be joined on this webinar by:
Elizabeth Girardi-Schoen, Global Environmental Sustainability Leader at Pfizer
Jason Rushing, PE, Principal Engineer and PiE Subject Matter Expert at Arcadis
Nolan Chase, EIT, Consultant and PiE Specialist at Arcadis
The following document provides guidance on potential techniques, methodologies, and available data sources for the calculation of dilution factors. The correct approach to follow is dependent on specific aspects of the risk assessment to be conducted. The PSCI does not advocate a single correct approach or data source, but aims to provide information to help risk assessors design assessments suitable for their requirements.
The contents of this document has been kindly shared by the IAI PiE Task Force.
The following document provides guidance on potential techniques, methodologies, and available data sources for sampling and analysis of pharmaceutical industry wastewater. The correct approach to follow is dependent on specific aspects of the risk assessment to be conducted. The PSCI does not advocate a single correct approach or data source, but aims to provide information to help risk assessors design assessments suitable for their requirements.
The contents of this document has been kindly shared by the IAI PiE Task Force.
A clear process has been defined to ensure PSCI Audits are consistent and rigorous. A suite of tools are available to support and guide through the process. Follow the link to read more about:
In order to ensure quality and integrity, PSCI Audits are carried out either by qualified internal auditors working at PSCI member companies or by professional and independent third party audit firms.
PSCI has approved fifteen professional, independent third party audit firms to perform PSCI Audits.
Anti-bribery and corruption is one of the issues under the PSCI Principles. The PSCI has commissioned an external benchmark on anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) standards and trends in supply chain. This report has been created to help our member companies and suppliers strengthen the ABC risk management practice in their supply chain.
Background: Regulations around anti‐corruption have been tightened and stakeholder expectations have increased. PSCI wants to encourage and support members and suppliers to continually enhance their anti‐corruption program for compliance with the latest guidelines issued by different regulatory authorities around the globe. Organizations are expected to develop proactive, risk‐based compliance programs that are tailored to the specific risk profile and are reasonably designed to prevent them and their employees/agents/suppliers from engaging in bribery or corrupt acts.
We are very pleased to announce that the 2020 PSCI Annual Report was launched today, summarizing the progress and achievements we have made in advancing responsible supply chain practices within the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries over the past year.
Key developments in 2020 include:
Growth in membership, with over 45 member companies now committed to the initiative and having adopted the PSCI Principles
A new three-year strategy adopted to deliver our refreshed vision for excellence in safety, environmental, and social outcomes across the whole of the global pharmaceutical and healthcare supply chain
Pioneering remote audit standards aligned with the PSCI Principles, now available to members on our community platform The Link, alongside valuable resources, news, and training materials
Strengthened partnerships with our Indian and Chinese partners, recognizing the importance of those countries for the pharmaceutical supply chain
Unprecedented levels of supplier engagement through two large-scale virtual supplier conferences in China and India, reaching 700+ supplier delegates
Expansion of our Board to support the delivery of our ambitious strategy
Measured improvement in PSCI member companies’ contribution to and use of PSCI resources to address supply chain issues.
2020 was an extraordinary year, full of large-scale professional challenges for our industry and its supply chain, not to mention the personal challenges we all faced in our own lives. We are proud of the way the PSCI adjusted to these challenges, showing remarkable agility. It is clear that the importance of responsible supply chain practices cannot be overstated and we are pleased to be able to drive positive change across the industry through our collaborative efforts.
We welcome comments and encourage you to share this report with your networks.
Since 2016, a group of PSCI members have been working together to standardize their environmental data request to suppliers through a common set of questions, known as the PSCI Environmental Survey. The benefit is that suppliers should be receiving a common set of questions, but currently companies collect the data using different routes: some use an Excel file, and some a third-party platform.
The PSCI has now built the Environmental Survey into the PSCI platform for suppliers (called The Link). Each of the PSCI’s 50 members will now be able to use that platform to collect data from suppliers and we anticipate that many will do so. We hope that this will streamline and simplify your reporting of environmental and carbon emissions to your customers as one reply can now be shared with many customers.
Watch this webinar to learn more about the new platform and how to use it. You'll hear about:
Data captured by the survey
Technical aspects of the environmental survey
How to access the PSCI Link platform
Responding to requests to share your data from PSCI members
We were delighted to be joined by Alejandro Fiocco, Partner at Carnstone and Secretariat for the PSCI Environment Team.
The recording is available here. (Please refresh the page if you cannot play the video.)
The slides used during the webinar are available for download below.
Participants (including registrants who were unable to attend) are invited to share feedback about this webinar here.
Please also note that guidance about the Environmental survey is available here (the excel version is accessible here).
More great publicity for the PSCI with thanks to Dan Caldwell (Johnson & Johnson) and Steve Brooks (AMR Alliance) who recently recorded this CPhI podcast on pharmaceuticals in the environment (PiE) and anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and what the industry is doing to help address the challenge.
The PSCI has published a PEC:PNEC calculator tool for manufacturers to use to calculate how to meet safe levels of discharge for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) from their sites.
This document is a step by step guidance on using the PSCI Environmental survey for suppliers on the PSCI platform. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This file contains the latest version of the PSCI Environmental survey for suppliers in Excel. The scoring for each question is detailed and questions are mapped across to the previous version.
Our April newsletter reflects recent activities including our support to the Musi River Revitalization Initiative, the publication of our Benchmarking Survey Insights Report, and our outreach campaign on the vital issue of anti-microbial resistance. It also highlights our upcoming plans and events, such as our Virtual Spring Meeting, and external developments relevant to pharmaceutical supply chains.
At the PSCI, we’re committed to doing everything in our power to limit that the spread and growth of two emerging threats – Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PiE) and Anti-microbial Resistance (AMR). That’s why for World Health Day, we’re excited today to launch our new Position Statement, which provides a clear explanation of the critical role we play in helping our supplier partners improve their manufacturing practices. The statement has been written to highlight the relevance of the PiE issue along the supply chain, to articulate the PSCI's position on this high profile topic, and to help answer stakeholder inquiries. It includes an overview of all PSCI resources on PiE and AMR-related issues.
Supplier Self-initiated Audit Programme (SSIA) is a pilot programme led by PSCI Audit Committee to encourage suppliers to take a proactive, risk-based approach and self-initiate PSCI audits for their facilities.
With the pilot programme this year, the PSCI will pay for a new Supplier Self-initiated Audit of the supplier facility. The audit should be completed by a PSCI approved audit firm and shared with PSCI members on the Link. Any supplier to PSCI Member can apply to participate in SSIA.
This document for suppliers explains:
What is SSIA and the benefits
Who can participate and the requirements
How to conduct a SSIA
Members are welcome to share the brochure with suppliers you would like to see conducting a PSCI audit.
If you are interested in learning more about the programme, please contact Audit Committee Secretariat Blake Zheng for more information. Thank you.
In 2020, we invited the PSCI members to participate in our third formal Member Benchmarking Survey and we are pleased to present the results in this Insights Report. We have used the data collected over the years to share year-on-year trends, as well as provide a snapshot from 2020.
This report paints a picture of rising engagement and increasing focus on responsible procurement. We hope that you find it useful and insightful.
This document provides a guidance for auditors to classify Critical-Major-Minor findings under all five PSCI principles. It is for guidance only and each organization can have its own interpretations.
It is intended to be a living document, which will be reviewed and updated regularly by SAQ/Audit and Audit Guidance sub team.
This document was updated in June 2024 to align with the updated PSCI Principles. For each principle, the examples have been updated and reviewed by a working group formed from the SAQ/Audit and Audit Guidance sub-team. The updated document now also includes complete examples for the minor classification findings.
Stormwater management and Zero Liquid Discharge key points Daniel Rehm, HSE Advisor, External Manufacturing EMEA & API, Elanco
Introduction to PiE and AMR Dr Paul Barnett, Director, Environment Health & Safety, GlaxoSmithKline
Assessing Antibiotic Manufacturing Sites Capability in Controlling their Antibiotic Emissions Jonathan Stanway, Downstream & Pilot Plant Manager, Biotechnology & Environmental Shared Service, Pharma Supply Chain, GlaxoSmithKline
This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.
The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
Slides are available for download below.
The third session of the 2020 PSCI Auditor Training (Virtual) took place virtually on 2 December and covered below presentations.
Process safety risk – Identifying reactive hazards and powder processing hazard in pharmaceutical industry Kumarkrishna Bhattacharjee, Head HS&E Supplier Assurance and Risk India Region, Novartis
This session was facilitated by Lei Sun, Partner at Carnstone.
The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
Slides are available for download below.
Corporate Responsibility with a Social Compliance Audits Dinesh Subhedar, Group Third Party Risk Management -Labour Rights (India and West Asia), Novartis (NBS Human Resources)
This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.
The recording of the session is available here. Chinese users can download the recording here (password: PSCI).
The PSCI supports the efforts of the State of Telangana to reduce pollution of the Musi River, specifically in the immediate vicinity of the two drainage canals that flow into the world-heritage Hussain Sagar lake where a number of PSCI member suppliers’ operations are situated. Please find our full statement below.
Our winter newsletter reflects recent activities including our Annual General Meeting, supplier conferences, and webinars. It also highlights our upcoming plans, and external developments relevant to pharmaceutical supply chains.
This presentation on Implementing a comprehensive industrial hygiene program – panel presentation was delivered by:
此演讲由下列嘉宾分享如何实施一个全面的工业卫生方案 – 实用三步指南:
Chengyin Guo, General Manager Assistant (In charge of EHS), Raybow Pharma | 郭成寅, 总经理助理(负责 EHS), 浙江瑞博制药有限公司
Zhibiao Ren, Astra Zeneca | Zhibiao Ren, 阿斯利康
Tracy Zhou, EHS&S External Supply, Johnson & Johnson | 周穗菁, EHS&S外部供应商经理,强生(中国)
This session was facilitated by Maggie Zhang, Partner Manager at Carnstone.
The recording is available here (code:PSCI). The slides are available for download below.
会议视频请点击此 链接 获取 (提取码 PSCI)。会议PPT请在下方点击“DOWNLOAD”下载。